We advise!
Every person has their own health story !
We will review your medical and vaccination records and advise what vaccines you are missing , if any. For some items we may be able to check blood immunity. There are certain health conditions that are requiring more or less vaccines. We work with all applicants for adjustment of status in Greater Lansing area and beyond to satisfy the requirements for their application for their Immigration medical exam.
WE vaccinate!
We carry all vaccines required for Immigration medical exam in our office and able to vaccinate you at the time of the appointment. Our system is able to bill your insurance for the cost of vaccines. If you are uninsured , we have the vaccines available at cost.
Adults 18-59 years old
All adults applying for “ green card” or immigration adjustment of status , are required to be up to date with the following vaccinations: Tetanus ( TDAP ) , Measles, Mumps, Rubella,(MMR), Varicella (Chickepox) ,Hepatitis B ,Polio , Influenza (Flu) and Covid (latest vaccine variant)
Adults 60-64
Adults 60 to 64pplying for the green card ( permanent resident status) require Tetanus , Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella, Polio, Flu and Covid .
Hepatis B is not required for this age group
Adults over 65
Over 65 years old, There is an additional vaccine required: PNEUMONIA - Either PPSV23 or PCV 20
Also required are : TDAP (tetanus) , Varicella (chickenpox) , POLIO , FLU (influenza) and COVID ( latest vaccine variant)
Children 0-12 months
Infants under one are required to be vaccinated for most common contagious diseases for this age group : Tetanus(DtaP), Hepatitis B, Polio , Rotavirus, HIB ( Hemophilus influenza bacteria) Pneumococcal, and if over 6 months, Flu and Covid (Latest Vaccine variant)
Children 1 y - 6 y
Most common required Vaccines are: Tetanus ( DtaP) , POLIO , MMR , Varicella, HIB , Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B , Pneumococcal , Flu and Covid ( latest vaccine variant)
Children 7-17
Tetanus ( TDaP) ,POLIO , MMR, Varicella, Hepatitis A , Hepatitis B, Meningitis ,Flu and COVID ( Latest vaccines variant)